Monday, November 15, 2010

Volume of Liquid | Lesson 2

These are the two most common measurements:


A milliliter (that is "milli" and "liter" put together) is a very small amount of liquid.
Here is a milliliter of milk in a teaspoon.
It doesn't even fill the teaspoon!

If you collect about 20 drops of water, you will have 1 milliliter

20 drops = 1 milliliter

And a teaspoon can hold about five milliliters:

1 teaspoon of liquid is about 5 milliliters 

Milliliters are often written as ml (for short), so "100 ml" means "100 milliliters".


liter is just a bunch of milliliters put all together. In fact, 1000 milliliters makes up 1 liter.
1 liter = 1,000 milliliters
This jug has exactly 1 liter of water in it.

Liters are often written as L (for short), so "3 L" means "3 Liters".